Posts Tagged " commercial "
เคมีจากชีวภาพ_Neste Oil เริ่มการผลิตและจำหน่าย renewable naphtha เพื่อใช้ผลิต ไบโอพลาสติก_Neste Oil launched commercial production and sales of renewable naptha for bioplastic production

29 October 2012 Details Neste Oil is one of the world's first companies to supply bionaptha on a commercial scale. ...
เชื้อเพลิงขีวภาพ_GREEN CRUDE_Sapphires Energy enters into a commercial agreement with Tesoro for purchase of Green Crude Oil_Crude Oil from Algae

20 March 2013 Details Sapphire Energy, Inc. has entered into a commercial agreement with Tesoro Refining and M...
Sipchem announces commercial operation of Ethyl acetate_EA and Butyl acetate_BA in Saudi Arabia

29 August 2013 Details Sipchem, Saudi International Petrochemical Company, announced that commercial operatio...
Beta Renewables and Novozymes opened the first plant in the world to produce cellulosic ethanol from agricultural residues and energy crops at commercial scale in Italy

9 October 2013 Details Beta Renewables and Novozymes today marked the official opening in Northern Italy of the Worl...
A new Superabsorbent polymer plant in the Middle East_Saudi Acrylic Polymer realizes mechanical completion to proceed for start_up and commercial production in Q4 2013

14 October 2013 Details The Saudi Acrylic Polymer Company (SAPCO), a joint venture which has been established b...
Biosynthetic motor oil and industrial lubricants now possible as Biosynthetic Technologies nears commercial production in USA

15 October 2013 Details "Now, billions of gallons of petroleum lubricant ingredients can be replaced with a saf...
Ethanol to Ethylene production technology_BP is actively exploring options for commercialising a new technology for smaller-scale ethylene production

7 November 2013 Details Ethanol to Ethylene production technology is a newly developed proprietary process by whic...
Total Amyris Biosolutions established produce and commercialize renewable diesel and jet fuel from Amyris Technology Platform

5 December 2013 Details Amyris and TOTAL announced today the formation of Total Amyris Biosolutions B.V., a 50-50 j...
Sapphire Energy and Phillips 66 to advance commercialization of Algae Crude Oil

10 December 2013 Details Sapphire Energy, Inc., one of the world leaders in algae-based green crude oil, and Phill...
AVA Biochem starts first commercial production for renewable 5_Hydroxymethylfurfural_5_HMF in Switzerland

3 February 2014 Details Commercial-scale production of the high-purity renewable platform chemical, 5-Hydroxymethyl...